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Carol Keiper
Carol Keiper is a marine ecologist specializing in marine birds and mammals. Her undergraduate degree is in education and recently (2001) she received her Master’s Degree in Marine Science at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories in Moss Landing (near Monterey) California.
For more than 20 years she has been involved in at-sea research off California and has a strong interest in the ecology of the California Current System. Carol has also been leading Natural History trips off central California for various organizations and in Baja California and Alaska, for Lindblad Expeditions. She is a founding board member and researcher with Oikonos Ecosystem Knowledge ( ), a non-profit research, conservation, and education organization dedicated to understanding how ecosystems function and evaluating conservation needs. Her current research involves the Black-footed albatross and conservation actions that address impacts of plastic marine debris. For the past six years she has served on the Sanctuary Advisory Council for Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary in California. Her expertise and experience as teacher, naturalist, and scientist enhance what she loves to do best: share the wonders of the marine environment as well as emerging conservation issues, with people of all ages.