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Ingrid Visser
Ingrid is a whale biologist who completed her doctorate studying orca (killer whales). She is the only person to study these animals in the South Pacific and bases most of her research in her native country, New Zealand. Ingrid is one of the few people in the world to study orca underwater, and does this without backup support such as 'shark cages'.
She has worked with internationally renowned Discovery Channel to produce a documentary about her research. Ingrid is an avid wildlife photographer and her work has been published in National Geographic and BBC Wildlife magazines. Qualified as a marine biologist and diving instructor, she has dived in many locations around the world and specialises in photographing whales and dolphins underwater. During her teenage years Ingrid lived aboard a yacht and sailed around the world. Since then she has worked aboard expedition ships in both the Arctic and Antarctic and areas such as Russia, Iceland, Europe, South America, Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific and has visited all seven continents. In her spare time she writes educational books for children and continues on with her orca research in New Zealand, Antarctica and Papua New Guinea.