When the day starts with a double take
As you listen in your room and wake
With a levitating leap from your bed
The dolphins are your clue to cue
That pink mammals are not the hue
For believing in all that is said
The walks were described today
Like a parched desert sommelier
With an exotic palette and finish
Stunningly naked slopes lay bare
Stacked tiers of cake laid without care
Some in the color of spinach
The highlight of our discoveries
In the afternoon we were yet to see
The magical anomaly called boojum
From myth and storybook came this tree
Gyrating shapes frozen in mystery
Surely an arboreal hoodlum
Challenged for a direction of growth
We gasped and nearly utter an oath
Contortionist bedevilments abounding
The plants quite simply defied
Adequate words to precisely describe
Their being nothing less than astounding
With failing light and glowing dusk
Retreat from the desert became a must
As Sea Bird beckoned our return
Inoculated with a botanical desire
We followed fences of broken barbed wire
To the sea we again adjourned
April’s Fool amongst the strangest of trees
But all were glad for the rare chance to see
A jester of botany with appeal
Big yawn and a sigh our day is complete
We reflect on the most amazing of feats
The unicorn of plants was revealed.