Diversity was the word for the day. Or maybe change would fit just as well for the weather seemed to vary hourly. Brilliant sunshine and cloud spattered skies reflected on snow capped peaks. We basked in the warmth.
Frigid katabatic winds generated by glaciers at the head of Garibaldi Inlet blasted us with cold and a smattering of snow flakes. And then the sun appeared again. We were alternately leading a misty squall or peering at spotlit albatross against a charcoal backdrop.
The Caledonian Star left the port in Punta Arenas (Sandy Point) and during the night steamed south and east toward Canal Ballenero. By morning we were in the Beagle Channel, looking today much like it had when Darwin first laid eyes upon it. Andean condors soared high above and against the rounded granite cliffs.