Isla Angel de la Guarda & Bahia de los Angeles, 3/26/2018, National Geographic Sea Bird
Aboard the
National Geographic Sea Bird
Baja California
Isla Angel de la Guarda offered a stunning geologic kaleidoscope of colors and patterns. Rains have been good this past winter and the drainages leading up to the rust, ochre, and olive-hued hills were liberally sprinkled with desert flowers. Passionflower was in full bloom and lynx spiders were lurking about the blossoms ready to grab a pollinator as an easy meal. The flower fiesta continued when we anchored at Bahia de los Angeles and focused our attentions towards the peninsula and the boojum forest. We entered the mystical, magical forest of contorted plants that seem to have sprouted from a fertile imagination. Desert sand verbena carpeted the desert in vibrant purple hues, brittlebush dotted the landscape in brilliant yellows and cholla cactus kept us busy dancing between the desert shrubs. We returned to the National Geographic Sea Bird at sunset, confident that the boojum trees were shortly going to shake out their thorny skirts and dance in the moonlight of the quarter moon.
Born in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Linda and her Air Force family moved extensively throughout the U.S. when she was a child. Linda continues to travel and explore a broader spectrum of the world as a naturalist with Lindblad Expeditions-National Geogr...
Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, Steve fell in love with the beauty of the natural world at an early age. In addition to nature, his other main passion was telling stories though the medium of television and radio. Steve studied broadcast jo...
This morning, National Geographic Venture guests explored the unique sand dune ecosystem on Isla Magdalena, Baja California Sur. It was lovely to stretch our legs in the soft sand before returning to the ship, where we started the long journey around the Baja Peninsula on our way to Cabo Pulmo.
Having crossed the Tropic of Cancer after navigating south through the night, this morning we woke up inside the tropics near the tiny town of Cabo Pulmo. The sleepy village is now world famous because of the tremendous success of the Cabo Pulmo National Park, created by the Mexican government in 1995. With the local people being the most interested in the protection of the waters off their homes, they made sure that the new rules were enforced and as a result, fish populations recovered in a big way. Researchers that monitored the recovery shocked the world a few years ago when they published their results showing a staggering 463% rebound of biomass, the biggest of any marine protected area in the planet. An extraordinary example of how nature can come back if we give her a chance. Today, Cabo Pulmo is still a quiet sleepy place where divers from all over the world go to admire the huge schools of jacks, goatfishes, groupers, and many other reef fish species. The whole area around the southernmost part of the Baja California peninsula is also very special for another reason; it is one of the main breeding areas for humpback whales in the North Pacific. We started encountering those marvelous creatures early in the morning and continued to do so throughout the day. Humpbacks travel here from faraway places like the coasts of Oregon and Washington, British Columbia, and even the Aleutian Islands where they spend their summers busily feeding. Here, they forget about those gastronomical pleasures and engage in more romantic affairs. Males look for and compete among each other for females, and the cows that got pregnant the season before give birth to their calves in the warm southern Baja waters. Intelligent creatures, the humpbacks delighted and intrigued us with their antics the entire day. Some raised their flukes or 15 ft long pectoral fins up in the air before a deeper dive and so on. We also enjoyed many whales breaching and even saw a few double-breaches today! We later had the opportunity to admire the beautify granitic arch at Land’s End that is a true peninsular icon and enjoyed the view of numerous magnificent frigatebirds, boobies, and other sea birds, as well as a small group of California sea lions that call the place home. Land’s End is also one of the boundaries of the Sea of Cortez and by crossing it after sunset, we entered the open Pacific waters for more adventures to come exploring the marvels of Baja California.
A beautiful sunrise across the peninsular range greeted us as we cruised the San Jose Channel this morning. We spotted a large pod of common dolphins surfing in the wake of our ship. Afterward, we came ashore at Puerto Los Gatos on the mainland of the peninsula. We hiked through the desert arroyo and summited a peak overlooking the bay. As we explored the shoreline of this remote coast, pink rocks of lithified sand dunes served as a striking backdrop for our peaceful morning. Guests snapped triumphant photos while taking in the whole of the arroyo’s ecosystem. During lunch, we repositioned the ship toward Isla San Jose. We spent our last afternoon in the protected waters of Kelly’s Beach. We enjoyed kayaking and SUPing, or stand up paddleboarding. Our small travel group became quite close over these last four days. We encountered a mix of emotions as we recounted our trip and prepared to say goodbye. I hope we will sail again together soon, and from all of us here aboard National Geographic Venture , we wish you safe travels!